accessory protection stone ii
Accessory Protection Stone II
Refine Material

A grade II protection stone imbued with power that can be used in accessory refinement from levels 9 through 12.\nThe refinement will not be downgraded after using the protection stone. However, due to the large amount of magical power in the stone, the accessory being protected will be affected by energy backlash during refinement. The backlash significantly reduces the chance of upgrading the accessory refinement, and significantly increase the chance of damage.\nAfter the refinement is used, the item will be consumed and the effect will be active whenever the refinement is done at levels 9 through 12. When using both equipment protection and blessed equipment stones, the number of blessed equipment stones consumed will be doubled.

Item Information

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Created by Mechanic ʜᴀʀɪꜱʜᴋᴏ (Incense Pavillion)
Ragnarok X: Next Generation related images and contents are copyrighted by Gravity Co. and Lee MyoungJin (Studio DDTS).